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June 21, 2017 2 min read

talk is jericho

Jose Mangin is the Ambassador of Heavy Metal, and the man responsible for what you hear on SiriusXM's Liquid Metal channel! He was also the brains behind Ozzy's Boneyard at the personal request of Ozzy & Sharon Osbourne! He smoked weed with Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell Abbott as a teen, introduced Metallica at The Big Four show in NYC at the behest of James Hetfield, and got the best stage advice from Dave Mustaine of Megadeth. Hear how Jose went from being a chemistry major and future pharmacist to the modern day Eddie Trunk of the metal scene! And find out why Jose credits Howard Stern with changing his life!


Affliction Clothing offers stylish trends in men’s and women’s T-shirts, thermals, button downs, hoodies, leather jackets, denim, dresses, watches, headwear, shorts, and swimwear. Our “Live Fast” motto represents and appeals to audiences who appreciate a variety of disciplines and eras such as Rock & Roll, Moto Culture, Tattoo, Vintage Americana, Tactical and Military, Veteran approved, Outdoor, Hunting, Fishing, Bull Riding, Mixed Martial Arts and Impact Sports.

Affliction Headquarters is located at 1799 Apollo Ct. Seal Beach, CA 90740. It is home to all of the operations as well as a huge, first-class training facility and Affliction Studios.

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